11:00-14:00 Auto / Moto Exhibition
AUTO: Best custom, Best classic / retro, Best of show,
MOTO: Best chopper / bagger / cruiser / bobber bike,
Best classic / retro / vintage bike,
Best street / cafe racer / naked / sports / streetfighter bike
14:00-15:00 Auto / Moto Exhibition Awards Ceremony @Main Stage
15:00–17:00 Tattoo Convention Competition @MainStage
«Best Realistic», «Best Traditional», «Best of Japanese/Oriental», «Best of Sunday», «Best Booth Set Up», «Best of Show» I , II, III, «Best Tattoo Project»
17:00 Hockey! Latvia - France in collaboration with “LVBET Scores” @Zefīrs
19:30 Festival Closing
19:30–00:00 Participants' Afterparty DJ Smilga @Zefīrs